It is enriched by great history. The City of Praise Family Ministries strives to be a community-driven 5-star church that saves families ONE soul at a time.

The City of Praise Family Ministries History In July 1963, the late Reverend James R. Peebles, Sr. organized a dynamic traveling choir called the Peebles Gospel Chorus under the musical direction of his wife, Betty P. Peebles.
In March 1967, The Lord enabled Pastor James R. Peebles, Sr. to secure a loan of $7,500 from his job’s credit union to purchase land on Douglas Street, NE, Washington, DC for the erection of a small edifice for worship. The small cinder block building was completed in 1969.
In 1984, after many years of dedicated service to God in the offices of teacher, administrator and help-meet to her husband, Betty P. Peebles was raised to serve as Pastor, and she served as Co-Pastor of the Jericho Baptist Church with her husband until he was elevated to Bishop.
In August 1969, James and Betty Peebles’ youngest son, Joel R. Peebles, Sr., was born. Thanks be to God, under the ledership of Bishop James Peebles, Sr., January 1973 marked our first mortgage burning. Glory to God, the little church became overcrowded.
In 1987, we began construction on our third edifice. Upon its completion, this sanctuary seated 2.000. There were 17 classrooms, a multipurpose room, a professional kitchen and various offices and meeting rooms. God blessed us with a high-tech computerized presentation system, manned by members of our Screen Presentation Ministry.
On Saturday, September 16, 1989, our Pastor, the late Reverend James R. Peebles, Sr., was elevated to Bishop of the Jericho Ministries. In 1994, the late John Peebles and his brother Joel Peebles were elevated to the office of Elder. The ministry erected the Jericho City of Praise in Landover, Maryland.
In November 1964, they founded a small Baptist Mission in the basement of the Odd Fellows Hall in Washington, D.C. Reverend James R. Peebles, Sr., his wife Betty, their sons James and John, Aunt Lucy Lane and Deacon Anne Wesley met together in that Odd Fellows Hall on New Jersey Avenue in Washington, DC.
In 1977, we built and moved into our 800-seat auditorium with a mortgage of $1.3 million. We remained in that building until the mortgage was paid in full date. In 1978, The Lord took Jericho to a new dimension. In 1979, their eldest son, James R. Peebles, Jr, became Assistant Pastor of Jericho Baptist Church—known to us as Pastor Jamie. This was the same year that the church purchased the Yellow House across the street and the adjacent lot that we used for parking.
We thank God for the mortgage payoff of the third edifice. The terms of the $4.5 million loan secured for that project was twenty-five years, payable on/before the year 2014. However, God enabled His good stewards at Jericho Baptist Church to pay that loan in three years, thus, saving more than $3.5 million in interest. What a Mighty God we serve! We were touched by the words of Acts 17:11.
The Lord showed tremendous grace to the ministry. During these years we have celebrated the heavenly graduation of many great leaders, such as Pastor James Peebles, Jr., Pastor John Peebles, Sr., Bishop James Peebles, Sr., and Apostle Betty P. Peebles. These amazing warriors are among a great cloud of witnesses.
Today, under the Leadership of Bishop Joel and Pastor Ylawnda Peebles and The Glory Cloud which surrounds the City of Praise (now the City of Praise Family Ministries), the ministry has experienced tremendous growth, including Teen Church, Children’s Church, Men of N’tegrity, Counseling Families, Student Tuition Support, Kingdom Queens Women’s Ministry, classes and much more. Bishop Joel and Pastor Ylawnda have now set the course to continue the vision as shortly the City of Praise Family Ministry will erect additions to the campus, including an Assistant Living Center, a retail and entrepreneurship development center as well as other land and Property purchases.
The City of Praise Family Ministries in now experiencing ridiculous favor as congregation members have reported testimonies of healings, restored families, mortgage dismissals and breakthroughs of mass proportions. This is an exciting time full of VICTORY, VINDICATION AND VALIDATION.

Biography of Bishop Joel Peebles
Bishop Joel Peebles is the son of one of the most loved Christian families in the nation. He is the youngest of three sons born to the late Bishop James Peebles and the late Apostle Betty Peebles. When Bishop Peebles was in his mother’s womb, Bishop and Apostle Peebles began planting a church that would grow into one of the largest and most respected Christian Ministries in the United States. Bishop Peebles counts it as one of God’s greatest blessings in his life to have grown up living and learning under the divine anointing of his parents.
"One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life…"

Biography of Pastor Ylawnda Peebles
A Woman of Worship, Wisdom and Elegance.
Ylawnda Peebles has dedicated her life to faith, family, and friendships.
She has married her best friend Joel R. Peebles, Sr., Senior Pastor of the City of Praise Family Ministries, for twenty-plus years. She also has four exceptional children: Joel, Jr., Janay, Jordan, and Jeremiah.
Ylawnda is a graduate of Bowie State University, where she graduated with high honors earning the Magna Cum Laude Award.
Pastor Ylawnda is a woman who has many accomplishments. In 1999, she adopted a female group home where she provided mentoring, warm winter coats, school supplies, trips to classical theaters, and counsel. In 2003, she founded the Heart to Heart Literacy Program. This 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit charitable organization was designed to inspire literacy in school-aged children. She also wrote and published a children’s book, God Loves Me Just The Way I Am, which is now in its 3rd printing. She later established Heartfelt Inc., a community-based organization designed to teach adult literacy. From 2004-2008, Ylawnda founded and directed the “Blessed By You” After-school Program, which trained students between the ages of 9 – 16 in etiquette, interview skills, and career education.​​
“An empty life only focuses on personal achievement. True happiness is trusting in God, loving your family and making a substantial impact on one’s community.”